
George Georgescu | Founder & CEO

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion style=”flat” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”Product” tab_id=”1525775623010-7f430e02-e5e7″][vc_column_text]Aims to respond to the major questions of families with Alzheimer’s patients :

  1. How can they find them if they are missing?
  2. Do they have to quit their jobs to take care of them 24/7?
  3. How can they take them to the doctor for the annual medical check-up?
  4. What happens to their loved ones if there they, as a principal caregiver, have an accident?

For the first 2 questions, the answers are in the form of a secured, water resistant smartwatch at the hand of the patient, and an application on the smartphone of the caregiver.

For the other 2 questions, the answers come in the form of services.

The service package is composed of an accident insurance that comes free for a year when buying the watch, and 2 medical check-ups a year, provided by our medical home care partners.

The price for the watch + application + one-year accident insurance is 155 Euro, VAT included.

The price for the services are 5 Euro + VAT for the telecommunications services, and 12 Euro + VAT for the medical homecare services.

https://connected-medical.com/[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Value Proposition” tab_id=”1525775623027-ebad4fe0-b30b”][vc_column_text]3 out of 5 patients with Alzheimer’s disease wonder. The rate of mortality is high after 12 hours, very high after 24 Hours and even grater after 48 hours

From the patient’s point of view:  I am ok, I forget stuff, but I am ok, why can’t I have my normal life back?

From the caregiver’s point of view:  What will I do if he/she disappears? How will I find him/her? What will happen to him/her if I cannot give the care they need if I have an accident? How long will this visit to the doctor take? From a hospital’s point of view: Where is Mister X? Alert the Police, Mister X has left the building!!  All these questions are answered by The Human Link solution

Connected Medical Devices helps both patients and caregivers have a normal live for as long as possible.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Team” tab_id=”1525775705804-69b2a7fa-fa9a”][vc_column_text]George Georgescu – Founder & CEO, with experience in IT engineering and sales, building teams of engineers and sales people, Master In Business Administration at FABIZ, ASE Bucharest, Diploma Engineer from FILS, Polytechnics University of Bucharest. Was responsible for the deployment of virtualized infrastructures in Africa for Orange, built and managed multiple teams : IT sales (Millennium IT), IT outsource (Millennium IT), Logistics Sales (IBC Logistics), IT engineering (Orange SA)

Alexandru Nanuti – Founder & Sales Manager, Best sales 3 years in a road in Orange, Sales Manager in finance.

Tudor Dimofte – Founder & Adviser, has an EMBA from IMD Business School, has an extended experience in management and strategic business development.

Theodorian Zainea – Pharma Channel Sales Manager, has an extensive experience in sales and sales management, in the Assurance and Pharma industries, in companies like Aviva, Sandoz, 3M;  he is the first collaborator to enter the board.

2 engineers, 2 Business developers, 3 marketing specialists, 2 financial, 1 DPO, 1 lawyer,[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]