It’s been almost two months since Techcelerator was officially launched! We are delighted to say that things went great and that plenty of local startups have shown their interest in the first batch of the program.
We are now ready to launch phase two: the KickOff Bootcamp, on 29-30 of March, in Bucharest. Then, we will get to know the 20 semi-finalists, deliver some training and make one-to-one speed meetings. On our side, will be the GapMinder Partners and some of the program mentors and expert guests. The second day will end with the Pitching Show, which will show the best moment of each candidate. Afterward, the jury will deliberate and select the finalists who will enter the 1st batch, starting April 1st. The day will end with a relaxing networking and wine soiree.
Now, let’s see who are the startups that impressed our thorough jury so far:
- Apiary Book, who created the world’s most popular app for beekepers;
- AppSeed tries to make developers’ lives easier by creating automated web applications;
- [boxx], tries to redesign customer experience by developing a robot customer experience recognition offline;
-, created a widget for e-commerce product search, using Machine Learning for voice / photo processing;
- Compensiss, developed an Invoice Compensation and Bridge Loans platform;
- Connected Medical Devices, who developed an IoT for Alzheimer – MedTech;
- DotX developed a blockchain to tokenize URLs through virtual coin;
- EngageApp, a platform that created to increase work performance of employees in corporations
- FintechDB is a marketplace for fintech services buyers;
- FINQware, a FinTech startup that developed an API Open Banking;
- Garderoba Infinită has a fashion platform to encourage responsible shopping and choose to be fashionable by hiring office clothes and be cooler every day;
- ialoc, created a restaurant booking and table management using Machine Learning;
- Imerando is a dating app that innovates through the proximity-based social matching which allows users to instantly date one another in a gamified way if they are in the same area;
- Medicai, using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, built a decision making support for radiologists;
- MiioSMILE, a SaaS for Dental healthcare industry;
- MoreMoney is an AI-based Fintech platform, focused on financial services advisory
- Orbiting Cubes designed modular self-reconfigurable robots, or as they like to call them – real-life Transformers;
- Ride Safe, an IoT embedded device with a mobile app for moto riders’ safety;
- TalentBrowse is a recruiting platform for connecting recently interviewed candidates;
- WireFame built a visualization tool for prototyping the architecture’s design to better communicate with developers.
If you wanted to apply for Techcelerator and you’ve missed the deadline, don’t worry! The registrations for the second batch will open in September!
Until then, check our social media accounts and our news & events section to stay up to date with our latest info!